RYA Practical PowerBoating Course List
...From Scotlands Sailing Company.

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This course is designed to provide a practical and fun introduction to boat handling and safety in powerboats. The course will cover many topics throughout the day and is great for those new to PowerBoating or those just wanting a fun PowerBoating day!...


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This course is designed to provide a practical course in boat handling and safety, as well as to teach seamanship in powerboats and both slow and high-speed manoeuvres. Theory, safety and navigation topics will be covered including regulations and handling emergency situations...

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This course covers the practical use of pilotage and passage planning by day on coastal waters using both traditional and electronic navigational techniques. During the course you will also cover more advanced boat handling. It is recommended for anyone considering moving on to the Advanced Course...
Minimum age: 16 years.  |

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This course is for leisure and professional boaters wanting to undertake more adventurous trips. It includes navigation by day and night, weather and other aspects of skippering a powerboat on more challenging passages in coastal waters...
Minimum age: 17 years.  |

Read More about Packages and Combo-Courses > |
ScotSail RYA Course / Experience Packages and Combo-Courses offer a great way to save money, if you intend to take more than one course. Ask our staff for more details and a personalised quotation...
